A Journey To Our Heart
300-hour advanced Yoga teacher training at Flying Tree Yoga, Medellín, Colombia
Join us on a personal journey to deepen your practice, refine your teaching skills and explore your essence as a blissful conscious being.
A path to your essence
“I am the Sacchidananda, existence, awareness and bliss, that is eternal, enlightened and pure.”
— Tejobindu Upanishad, 3.1-3.11
In this course we will work towards connecting with and understanding our nature as sat-chit-ananda: existence, awareness and bliss. We will undertake a journey through the layers of our being, starting with the outermost physical body and moving to the most subtle part of ourselves, connected with the divine.
Our program is modeled on the koshas, or layers of our being, which will provide a structure and direction for our path, and help us explore a full range of yogic techniques to understand our identity.
Incorporated into this journey is an exploration of what it means to be a Yoga teacher, what empassions and inspires us, and how we can better offer our knowledge and unique skills to others.
A journey within
Our course is divided into two essential parts.
Part One: Immerse Yourself
You will join a month-long intensive at the Flying Tree Yoga studio in Medellín, where you will immerse yourself in your practice, learn new techniques and refine your understanding of familiar concepts. This experience will culminate in a mini-retreat in the beautiful Colombian mountains, designed and run by the trainees.
Part Two: Integrate Your Practice
The course will continue with 3 months of ongoing support, meetings and workshops online, which will provide an opportunity for you to fully explore and integrate these diverse practices into your teaching and daily life. Once you have completed the program you will have a fuller understanding of the path of Yoga, a fresh vision as a teacher, and a rich variety of new skills to share with your community.
The koshas: layers of being
The koshas are an ancient system that can help us understand our nature, from the physical to the energetic, mental, intellectual and divine. In our course you will journey through these layers and explore your own essence.
Annamaya kosha: the physical layer
Here we will work with asana, learning how to bring ourselves into equilibrium through our physical practice. Combined with a study of anatomy, physiology and biomechanics, we will explore how our practice can affect different systems in our body and keep them in good health. Through an examination of ayurveda we will learn about our personal constitution and how best to live in balance through patterns of diet, exercise and rest.
Pranamaya kosha: the energetic layer
Continuing our journey inwards we will examine the system of the nadis, or energy channels, as well as 5 prana vayus and how our energy moves through our bodies. This will be combined with techniques for managing our prana: pranayama and bandha, as well as a thorough study of the chakras and how energetic imbalances can manifest in our lives.
Manomaya kosha: the mind body
Here we will examine the aspects of our thinking body, and careful cultivation of thought can help align the mind to move deeper within. In this part of our journey we will include all aspects of study, theory and teaching methodology, such as class creation, sequencing, management of the teaching environment and how we can best communicate our yogic practice with others.
Vijñanamaya kosha: the intellectual body
In our exploration of this layer of our existence, which helps us determine, discriminate and which calls us to deeper practice, we will include techniques of meditation and mantra, as well as an examination of yoga philosophy, how it can guide us and how it has evolved through the ages.
Anandamaya kosha: bliss body
As we reach the deepest layer of our being, we will explore techniques that help us express that which is blissful, beautiful and true in our lives. From recitation of mantra, to song, dance and ritual, here we will express the joy that comes from being connected to our deepest selves.
Our course plan
Our course has been carefully crafted by talented professionals who have over 15 years’ experience working in education. We are here to provide our expert knowledge and guide you in your own personal journey.
Techniques, training and practice: 140 hours, including:
Asana exploration - an opportunity to revisit physical postures and refine your understanding, gaining a more subtle appreciation for alignment, anatomy and physiology, the relationship between various poses and questions of sequencing.
Restorative yoga - a more relaxing and receptive practice that rejuvenates the body, restores energy and quiets the mind. This module includes an introduction to chair yoga, a superb practice for those with limited space or mobility.
Pranayama, bandha and vayus - breathing techniques to control our vital energy and prepare us for meditation.
Kriya - cleansing techniques to purify the body and mind
Mantra - an opportunity to awaken our voice and open the heart to the healing effects of these ancient hymns
Meditation - an opportunity to explore the different koshas through a variety of different meditation techniques
The energetic body - a journey through our seven energy centers (chakras) that will lead us to a path of self-transformation, connecting body, mind and spirit.
Ritual - an opportunity to create a sacred space and an intention that can connect us to the present moment, bringing a sense of tranquility, a sense of belonging and happiness to our hearts.
Mudra - hand gestures that enable us to seal and guide prana into specific channels within our energetic body for healing and spiritual growth
Teaching methodology: 72 hours, including:
Language, cueing and use of voice
Theming your class - the art of guiding self-exploration
Demoing - how to illustrate particular alignment principles and key actions in the body
Sequencing for active and restorative classes, and how to create a class around the chakras
Observing, adjusting, assisting
Discussion about experiences as a teacher - a space to reconnect with the passion of teaching, and an opportunity for conversation about things that are relevant to our times
Creating an identity as a yoga teacher - an opportunity to define the purpose behind your teaching and fully develop a unique offering
Social Media for Yoga Teachers - how to use social media platforms in a way that feels natural and authentic to your values
Supporting other Yoga professionals in their journey - as an important part of their evolution as Yoga professionals, we would like our trainees to begin to support other yoga teachers in their learning process, to guide and advise them in areas such as theming and sequencing, and to begin taking on a role as mentors
Anatomy, Physiology and Biomechanics: 20 hours, including:
Applied anatomy, physiology and biomechanics of the human body for yoga practice. This will include an exploration of the cardiovascular, lymphatic, respiratory, digestive, endocrine and nervous systems.
Common injuries and pathologies
Philosophy, lifestyle and ethics: 32 hours, including:
An exploration of Yogic philosophy throughout history, from the Upanishads, Bhagavad Gita and Yoga Sutras to Tantra and Hatha Yoga
Ayurveda, and its application to our practice, diet and lifestyle - a deeper exploration of the science of Yoga
Practicum: 32 hours, including:
Teaching practice as the lead teacher for both asana, pranayama and meditation.
Observing others teaching and creating detailed reports
Assisting others in their class - an opportunity to practice elements of teaching that you might not otherwise have time for, such as adjustments and assists, modeling poses, using essential oils and offering massage
““The is an excellent school with expert teachers. They are flexible and kind people - I had an amazing experience and highly recommend this school and the teachers of Flying Tree Yoga”
— Diane Hedburg, RYT (2020)
Daily timetable
Time is split between group classes, guided study, practice teaching and personal work. From Sunday to Friday, meditations and asana practice take place in the mornings, and workshops in the afternoons. On Saturdays you are free to travel and explore the city!
8am: group meditation
9am: asana practice
10.30am: morning break
11.30am: workshop 1
1.30pm: lunch break
3pm: workshop 2
5pm: optional practice in Spanish or dinner and rest
Dates and Prices
Our course is divided into two parts: a month-long intensive in June, followed by three months of ongoing support online.
Please note: if you can’t attend one or more of the online meetings, recordings will be available for you to watch in your own time
June 1st - June 28th 2025
July - September 2025
Tuesday and Thursday evenings, 6-8pm Colombia time
Plus some select Saturdays to be confirmed
Please note: if you can’t attend one or more of the online meetings, recordings will be available for you to watch in your own time
$2,399 including accommodation shared with one other person
$2,099 without accommodation
Please note that food is not included in the course price, but there is a fully-equipped kitchen and you will find that food is very cheap here in Colombia!
15% discount before November 30th!
Your course and the Yoga Alliance
The course is affiliated with the Yoga Alliance, the largest nonprofit association representing the yoga community, with over 7,000 Registered Yoga Schools (RYS) and more than 100,000 Registered Yoga Teachers.
Our course is a 300 hour advanced teacher training.
Combined with a 200 hour certificate from any Yoga Alliance affiliated school, it will allow you to become a registered RYT-500 Yoga teacher. You can find more info here.
Schedule a chat with us
Many people like to speak with us over Zoom so we can discuss your needs and answer any questions you might have - let us know if you would like to organize a chat! Otherwise do write us with anything you’d like to know.
“ I’m truly grateful to have had the opportunity to have been part of such an amazing community that supports and encourages one another and of course for Andrews unwavering guidance and instructions ”
— Melissa Velasquez, RYT (2019)
“Flying Tree has a very comprehensive and thoughtful approach to their yoga teacher training. They are careful to give attention to both the scientific and philosophical aspects of the practice. Upon completion of the course you will have a profound respect for all aspects of the yogic lifestyle and an understanding that goes far beyond the asanas. The instructors are warm, personable, knowledgable, and extremely accessible. There was never a moment I felt unheard or unable to seek direct guidance. I feel fortunate for my time in the program and so will you.”
— John Brooks, RYT (2019)